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2024-05-05 13:47:57

Sprecher des LKA #Sachsen:
"Wir hoffen, dass wir auch die anderen Täter zeitnah ermitteln dürfen." :think_bread:

Screenshot aus einem Video der Tagesschau. Ein Mann steht vor einer blauen Wand, auf der mehrfach "Polizei Sachsen" steht.

Links unten: Tagesschau Logo

Mittig unten: der aktuelle Untertitel des Videos an dieser Stelle: "zeitnah ermitteln dürfen."
2024-03-05 11:17:49

Just been blown away by how good Narrator and Live Captions are on Windows and it makes me even angrier that they aren’t just building an OS but an ad-and-AI infested surveillance nightmare. Mainly because it shows, yet again, what we could achieve in technology if everything wasn’t tied to a toxic business model and a suicidal system of perpetual growth with finite resources.
This should also shame the Linux folks (not volunteers, multi-billion/trillion-dollar corporations who profit …

Screenshot of Windows showing teh Live captions window with some text “Counter profile one. Microsoft Edge windows. Counter Microsoft Edge region.” and a web site open at with a simple counter at 7 with decrement and increment buttons.

Aaron Sorkin confirmed during a live recording of “The Town” podcast that
he is currently working on some kind of sequel to “The Social Network,”
David Fincher’s acclaimed 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook that won Sorkin the Oscar for best adapted screenplay.
“Look, yeah, I’ll be writing about this,” Sorkin said about the social media company’s recent years.
“I blame Facebook for January 6.”
Sorkin would not answer why he blamed Facebook for Trump suppor…
2024-03-07 06:47:15

Polynomial Calculus sizes over the Boolean and Fourier bases are incomparable
Sasank Mouli a…

Aaron Sorkin confirmed during a live recording of “The Town” podcast that
he is currently working on some kind of sequel to “The Social Network,”
David Fincher’s acclaimed 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook that won Sorkin the Oscar for best adapted screenplay.
“Look, yeah, I’ll be writing about this,” Sorkin said about the social media company’s recent years.
“I blame Facebook for January 6.”
Sorkin would not answer why he blamed Facebook for Trump suppor…
2024-04-03 18:59:01

Wish I could thank Ali Vallarta for her pushback against Amy Winder Newton on #CityCast #SaltLake today when discussing these stupid, invasive protect kids from social media laws that #Utah and other states are pursuing.
They blame social media for complex social problems because it's an easy answer that wins them political points, but their laws just invade our privacy and distract from real solutions like funding mental health services, increasing the minimum wage, building up renter protections, fighting discrimination. You know, real social change.
2024-03-31 07:49:00

"Bayern ist einzig logischer Standort für Prüf- und Testzentrum für KI-basierte Roboter." Mit diesem Statement wenden sich der bayerische Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume (CSU), Wirtschaftsminister Hubert Aiwanger (FW) und Digitalminister Fabian Mehring (FW) an Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck. Der Freistaat habe die bundesweit besten Ansiedlungsvoraussetzungen, er sei als Standort konkurrenzlos, so @…

I don’t think Israelis or the Biden administration fully appreciate the rage that is bubbling up around the world, fueled by social media and TV footage, over the deaths of so many thousands of Palestinian civilians, particularly children, with U.S.-supplied weapons in Israel’s war in Gaza.
Hamas has much to answer for in triggering this human tragedy, but Israel and the U.S. are seen as driving events now and getting most of the blame.
That such anger is boiling over in the Ara…